✤ Júlía Runólfsdóttir

AD/UI/UX - Based in Reykjavik

Available for projects


Hi! I'm Júlía.


Senior Designer — Júní

Current Role

Design Lead — Alda

Branding, UI/UX and Art Direction

Designer — Kolibri

Listasafn Íslands, Regn, Sky Lagoon

Founder/Designer — Studio Holt

Flatey, Yuzu, Húrra Reykjavík, Hjallastefnan, LHÍ


I'm a creative designer from Reykjavik, Iceland, specializing in brand identity, UI & UX design. After years of freelance work + running my own studio focusing on print & branding, I have shifted into the digital world, making beautiful and usable interfaces and experiences with a focus on visual identities.

Let's create something amazing together.

